Saturday, July 26, 2008

Situation in Bangalore

If you've read the world news in the past day or two, you might have come across a story on bomb blasts that have been occurring across India over the past couple of days. On Friday, a series of eight low-intensity bombs exploded across Bangalore, killing two people and injuring several others. Today, serial blasts ripped through the western city of Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat, killing 15. This level of bomb attacks has occurred in India several times in the last couple of years, most recently and prominently in Jaipur a couple of months ago. Apparently, they are designed to cause civil unrest and instability and may have a connection between Hindu and Muslim tensions.

All in all, I am safe. I am not staying anywhere close to the bomb attacks and will take utmost caution when I travel back to New Delhi soon. I decided to extend my stay here at SVYM without prior knowledge to these attacks in Bangalore to check out the Saturday mobile. I'll update on the final wrap-up of my time at SVYM when I return back to Delhi!


Solomon said...

glad to hear you're safe. yea man, be cautious...

when we were there, we heard so many stories... ridiculous.

Edify said...

Hope you stay safe!